Raising a Godly Generation

Welcome to Prince of Peace Foundation

A Foundation transforming Children, Families, Communities and Nations by building peace and unity through Children

Transforming Young People
Our Arms & Networks

To win souls and hearts, and raise a Godly Generation through children, we have designed the following arms and interlinked them from top to bottom. It consists of the following:


God is at the Centre and we are directed by Him and the authority of His word (Bible) based on John 16:13 & 2nd Timothy 3:16-17.

The Three Arms

The three God designed Arms include the Family, the Nation and the Church.

Nine Networks

Out of the three arms, we have Nine Networks: Prayer, Family, Women, Men, Youth, Ministers , Professionals & Business, Praise& Worship (Networks)

What We Do
Our Programmes

Our programmes are aimed at raising a Godly Generation. We undertake the following programmes:

Children Practical School of Ministry

Bringing together the parents, church and government to unite and transform a nation. The minis-try’s aim is to teach parents, church, family towards transforming the nations through children.

Raising Godly parents, Godly Leaders, Godly Christians

As we teach children, we aim at raising them to be Godly leaders, Godly parents and Godly Christians.

Healing, Reconciliation and Restoration

PPF intends to set up centres at every county in Kenya and other countries to promote Christian healing and reconciliation in the respective societies.

Arise Africa Conference

Programme for organizing annual conference through the Centres set up in respective countries. Done through targeting children to understand the importance of a family, church, nations and for the whole of Africa united.

Support Our Good Cause

Be a part of the transformation & see lives changed.

We humbly request for your kind support towards this mission which is in line with the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

Supporting our Mission
Our Partners

Some of our partners supporting our programmes include: